Thursday, July 9, 2009

If the T-Shirt fits....

With summer in full swing there is almost nothing more appealing than slipping on a T-shirt and heading out the door (I guess pants/shorts of some type would be good, but hey I don't know your business). However, with the varieties of options available finding a great summer t-shirt can be a challenge. You've got to consider the look you want to achieve, the fit options available and find it in the right size. Here are some great tips for finding the right one for you:
  • Decide the look you're going for, before you look for the shirt. Last summer 80's graphic T's were all the rage, but this year the economy has shifted and brought back a few good trends: the classic look (bonus points for actually being a classic and not just looking like one) old-school logos, vintage TV or nostalgic products. The other option making a huge comeback is the basic look, solid colors with maybe a simple ringed collar. Both these looks capture what's great about a t-shirt, effecting an effortless cool.
  • Am I summer or a winter? Thankfully as men we never really had to suffer through the "Color me beautiful" era of the 80's. The seasonal shifts however can make a big change in the colors you choose. If you're somebody who is able to get a tan easily the same colors you choose all winter might no longer be flattering in summer. I wear darker olive and plum tones in winter but in summer go for brighter reds and blues
  • FIT FIT FIT the fit of your t-shirt is most important. Most of the time people will either go too big or too tight, ideally you want one that fits your body. If you want to go for an over-sized look it should be pretty easy to find one to suit your needs, but if something more fitted is your interest it can be harder. The reason that a perfect fit is key is because it will always be the most flattering option. Most of us don't have perfect bodies and wearing a shirt that is too tight will make all of your flaws more apparent, but a shirt that is too big can make you look sloppy. If you really like something, ignore the size on the label and just try on several until you find one that fits. Once when I wanted a band t-shirt I am not ashamed to admit I tried it on in seven different size mediums to find the one that looked right, though I am ashamed to admit that band may have been the Spice Girls.

Just remember the best thing about finding a great t-shirt is that when any number of summer activities comes up you can just throw it on over some jeans and head out for some fun!

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